Sunday, January 2, 2011

General information of Vietnam Graphic

Geographical location: Vietnam is a country located on the Indochinese peninsula, Southeast Asia, the Pacific coast. Vietnam has a land border 4,550 km long land borders with China in the north, with Laos and Cambodia in the West division, the East China Sea. On the map, Vietnam strip of land an S-shaped, extending from latitude 23o23 'North to 8o27' north, 1650 km long from north to south, the moon, about 500 km inland, where nearly 50 narrowest km.

Vietnam varied terrain: hills, plains, coast and continental shelf, reflecting the historical development of geology, topography in the environment long monsoon, humid climate and a strongly weathered. The topography is lower in the northwest - southeast, is evident in the flows of major rivers.

Delta accounts for a quarter of the land area of mountains and hills separated in many areas. At both ends of the country there are two large plains, the fertile Red River Delta (Red River basin, large 16,700 km2) and the southern delta (Mekong River basin, 40,000 km 2 wide). Located between two major deltas is a chain of small delta, located along the central coast, from the plains of the Ma River basin (Thanh Hoa) to Phan Thiet with a total area of 15,000 km2.

Vietnam has three faces east, south and south-west coast looking out to sea with 3,260 km from Mong Cai in the North to Ha Tien in the Southwest. Sea part of Vietnam's sovereignty extended to the east and southeast, including the continental shelf, the big island and small islands surrounded. Tonkin Gulf alone has a population concentration of 3,000 islands in the region Ha Long Bay, Bai Tu Long, Cat Hai island, Cat Ba, Bach Long Vi ... Further to the Paracel and Spratly Islands. South-west and south, there are groups of islands including Con Son, Phu Quoc and Tho Chu.

Climate: Vietnam lies in the inner belt of the tropical year round high temperatures and high humidity. North under the influence of the Chinese mainland should more or less mainland climate. Profound effect on the East Sea to the nature of the tropical monsoon humid land. Tropical monsoon climate, there are one in the whole territory of Vietnam, forming regions with markedly different climate. Vietnam climate change seasonally and by region from low to high, from north to south and from east to west. Strongly influenced by the northeast monsoon, so the average temperature in Vietnam is lower than average temperatures in many other countries in Asia the same latitude.

Vietnam can be divided into two major climate: (1) North (from Hai Van Pass out) is a tropical monsoon climate with four distinct seasons (spring-low-Fall-Winter), influenced by the northeast monsoon (from the Asian continent to) and South-east monsoon (blowing through Thailand, Laos and South China Sea), with high humidity. (2) Southern (from the Hai Van Pass) are less influenced by the monsoon climate is quite tropical air conditioning, heated all year round and divided into two distinct seasons (dry and rainy seasons).

Besides, due to the topographical structure, Vietnam has the sub-climate regions. There where the temperate climate, such as Sa Pa, Lao Cai province, Da Lat, Lam Dong province is where the continental climate such as Lai Chau, Son La. This is the ideal place for tourist resort.

The average temperature in Vietnam range from 21oC to 27oC and gradually increases from north to south. Summer, average temperatures across the country is 25oC (23oC Hanoi, Hue, 25oC, 26oC Ho Chi Minh City). Winter in the north, the lowest temperature in December and January. In Northern mountainous regions such as Sa Pa, Tam Dao and Hoang Lien Son, temperatures down to 0 ° C, with snow.

Vietnam has a great amount of solar radiation with the number of sunshine hours from 1400-3000 hours per year. The average annual rainfall of 1,500 to 2,000 mm. Air humidity is 80%. Given the influence of monsoon and complex topography, Vietnam is often prone to disasters such as storms, floods and droughts.

Rivers: Vietnam has a dense network of rivers (2360 in the 10 km long river), flowing in two main directions of Northwest and Southeast in a bow. The two largest rivers are the Red River and Mekong River delta, create two vast and fertile. System of rivers and streams are added each year to 310 billion m3 of water. The water supply for rivers and streams flood season and dry season. Flood season accounted for 70-80% of water all year and often cause flooding.

Land, plants, animals:

Land in Vietnam is very diverse, with high fertility and favorable for the development of agriculture and forestry. Vietnam has a rich flora and diverse (approximately 14 600 plant species). The vegetation is mainly tropical forests, including trees sunshine, high temperature and high humidity.

The fauna in Vietnam as abundant and diverse, including many precious species listed in the World Red Book. At present, there are 275 species of mammals, 800 birds, 180 reptiles, 80 species of amphibians, 2,400 species of fish, 5,000 species of insects. (Dense forests, limestone mountain forests, and multi-canopied forest habitats of many species of monkeys, langurs, gibbons and wild cats. Langur endemic species of white-headed langur of Vietnam is, langur and white shorts, black langur . Likewise, there are many species of birds such as pheasants and neck cavity ocellata. high mountains in the North have many furred wild animals like bears, dogs, foxes, civet ...)

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